Mini Sessions & FAQ

Mini Sessions are scheduled in for Spring, Summer & Autumn each year. They consist of 1 day in March/April, June/July & September/October with the aim to capture the changing seasons and beauty they have to offer. With this in mind we will always aim to have these on a Weekend in the middle of each month, or when the conditions are perfect.

Time slots will last 30 minutes from 9am - 12pm for morning sessions and 1pm - 5pm in the afternoons.

Unlike full Photography Sessions, the purpose is to offer an insight into what a full Photography experience has to offer but without the full commitment.

However you will still get the exact same quality and eye for detail in the final images, just the same as you would with a Full Session.

Once you have tried a mini session, I am sure you will want to enjoy the full experience further and most people book in for a full Photography shoot for a later date.

Only nice pets and owners are welcomed, any pets deemed dangerous prior to the shoot or upon arriving will be asked to not participate. I will ask for a photograph and short description of your beloved pet’s personality before we meet, this is to help me understand your specific needs further.

So what do you get with a mini session?

Well unlike a Full Photography Experience which can be 2 hours+ and 10-20 fully re-touched images to choose from, you will get a timed slot on the day for around 30 minutes in a specific beautiful location chosen by me. We will take a short walk around the chosen area and capture as many shots as possible in this time.

We will capture around 5-6 images in this time with all being fully re-touched to a very high standard. We will then arrange to send them to you via We Transfer so you can view them, in your own time & choose the 3 images you wish to keep as digital downloads.

Mini sessions investments start from £60 for the photo session and 3 digital downloads, including complimentary light re-touching.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Do I need to bring anything on the day?

For a dog or pet shoot it would be great to bring along a favourite toy and treats to help engage them during the session, I will bring some as well but you know your pets best so they will always want your attention more than mine.

For people, again just bring or wear anything that you feel most comfortable in. It all depends on what you are intending to do with the final images as well, the style and feeling you are aiming to achieve. We can discuss this further when you book a session, you can then let me know what style you love most and we can work to that.

Does my pet need to be fully trained?

No, your pet is more than welcome to stay on lead or harness if they are not trained fully or would not be able to stay under your full control. You just need to be mindful of the type of picture you are expecting as the lead and harness may need to stay in the final edit if not realistically able to re-touch out.

Does my pet need to be fully groomed before the session & clean?

Again no, but like with the training you need to be aware of the final images and expectations your are wanting. If your dog is not well brushed and gets dirty before or on the day then that is likely to stay in the final images. However if you are wanting a fine art style edit the better the groom, the better the images.

Are you able to have an indoor Studio Session?

Yes, these are scheduled to take place at Simply Animals Dog Training club at a separate date and time to the outdoor sessions. – one subject only.

What should I wear if I am included in the pet sessions?

Anything goes really, what ever you feel most comfortable in and compliments the style you want.

What is the best time of day for the outdoor sessions?

This depends on the style you are after, a standard session can be any time of day really. Fine art Outdoor sessions are best suited to the hour before and during sunset or Sunrise. With this in mind however the least favourable time slot would be mid-day due to the harsh lighting, this isn’t an issue but we would need to find shade to take pictures in.

Where is the best location?

Anywhere really, fields, woodland, beach, mountains, town/city. It is all down to the style of image you want.

What is the best weather?

The best lighting will always be during fine cloud cover, if it is extremely wet or extremely sunny/warm we will re-schedule as it is not fair on myself, the pets or you. Very sunny days are not ideal due to the harsh light and strong heat, although this can be perfect weather for Sunset pictures when the light is golden and temperatures are cooler.

I can’t decide which images I like best, can I have them all?

Yes you can absolutely invest in all the images from the day, we can work out a tailored package depending on how many you are wanting.

Do I get prints or frames?

The mini session packages are for digital download only, however if you require printing, mounting and framing I can work with you to design the wall art to suit your home. Investments will be quoted for before proceeding so you know exactly what you will receive.

You have asked me to come back for another photo session, why is that?

Basically, I was not happy with the final pictures captured due to an oversight on my part, so in these very rare instances I would ask you back for a re-shoot at a convenient time for you and me without further charge for the session.

Spring, Summer & Autumn Styles